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Business Transformation



Whether significant change or optimisation is required, your business transformation should start by defining the vision of where the business wants to be, then understand where it is today and how to bridge the gap between the two. We support your leaders to lead successful change and can provide change leadership development for them. We focus on business modelling, mapping people, processes and technology and designing and implementing the future business. We work with you to identify and manage stakeholders, engage with your workforce, mobilise using change tools and models that deliver transformation which is owned by you and your employees. People and culture must change to implement change successfully and new mind sets and behaviours are required. All this is underpinned by communications that help take your employees on the overall transformation journey. 


We offer a full-service end-to-end Business Transformation approach from strategy development to implementation and benefits realisation, providing a turnkey solution to your transformation challenges. This approach is based on our in-depth experience of delivering transformation across many sectors and functions, with varying drivers and constraints. We will work with you to design and implement a transformation solution which is pragmatic, practical, and specific to your organisational requirements. To achieve this, we draw on established methodologies and best practice gleaned from our wide transformation delivery expertise to develop an application specific approach. 


We are also able to deliver discrete elements of your wider transformation initiative, if required, and are experienced in integrating seamlessly into established teams. 



Intaconsult Transformation Delivery Model

Our detailed offering


Our combined experience is extensive, and our transformation approach encompasses all the transformation requirements encompassing people, process and technology making up business wide transformation supported by the digital strategy your organisaiton needs.


We have the expertise and experience to cover all of the following and our approach means that we transfer these skills and capabilities to you and your teams:

  • Business Strategy Development

  • Transformation Programme Planning & Leadership

  • Project, Programme & Portfolio Management

  • PMO Management

  • People & Change

  • Workforce Planning

  • Turnaround

  • Downsizing/Rightsizing

  • Programme Assurance

  • Benefit Realisation

  • Finance Management

  • Stakeholder Management

  • Digital Strategy Development. â€‹





Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilising resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). 

It involves activities such as review of organisational vision, assessment of market trends, drivers and business growth projections, developing a Target Operating Model and strategic planning in order to present the organisation’s ‘As-is’ state, the desired ‘To-be’ state and the roadmap to get from one to the other. These may then be developed into tactical business and transformation programme plans for implementation within the organisation.

Programme Management

Programme Management is the planning and management of delivery that ensures success and the realisation of intended business benefits. It involves leading and motivating a cross-functional team of project managers and subject matter experts, to plan and manage the delivery of the new capability, skills, culture and business changes required, to create and deliver the organisation’s required future state. Important parts of this approach are risk and issue management, stakeholder engagement and communications, financial management and benefits realisation. 


It’s often hard work and challenging working within a transformation programme, but with guidance and coaching, individuals working with us achieve new and often challenging things and grow professionally during all aspects of the programme.


Financial Management is much more than just reporting. It involves planning, organising, directing, and controlling the financial activities of a business. It means applying general management principles to the financial resources of the enterprise and often working closely with the CEO. 

It also involves reviewing business cases for strategic investment programmes such as business transformation, monitoring programme performance (both delivery and cost), and tracking resulting benefits realisation and hence return on investment. Although spend is always monitored regularly, the value added by a transformation programme and the return on such an investment is what the Board will want to be clear about.   

People and Change

Business Transformation will almost certainly cover a strategic change involving Technology, Business Processes and People, but unfortunately, the People dimension is often overlooked. Any change will have an impact on the organisations people – sometimes positive and sometimes a challenge. The People and Change Workstream, embedded into a Transformation Programme, is often an enabler to change and allows the new ways of working to be something that is sustainable.  


Where the change impacts roles the People element of this needs to be managed professionally and ethically to ensure that employees are offered real alternatives and where this is not possible are treated with respect. Getting the people and change dimension right is a real catalyst to business success and a differentiator in the market.



We provide

Our team has the skills and experience to partner with you in harmony to bring about successful and sustainable transformation. We look through the employee and customer lenses and work out, with you, how to achieve your business vision, increase revenue and improve profitability – as set out in your business plan.


We work in a flexible and agile way, that brings pace to transform your organisation, which is necessary in today’s highly challenging and competitive market. We back this up with appropriate values, behaviours, and qualifications that enable us to pass on our skills and capabilities in an engagement model that enables you to achieve sustainable change.

Leading Transformation


We provide resources to support your Directors to lead your transformation. The Programme Director provides the interface between programme ownership and delivery and acts as a focal point between the business and the programme manager. The Programme Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of programme. Together they ensure that desired programme outcomes and objectives are delivered and must have adequate knowledge and information about the business and the programme to be able to make informed decisions. Sometimes we will combine these roles - depending on your own internal resources. It is essential that delegations and responsibilities are clearly understood and do not overlap with other roles.


For larger programmes we also provide the manager role of a project management office. The PMO defines and maintains standards for project management across the Programme bringing standards and controls as well as financial management and benefits tracking.

Organisation Design and Development


Organisation design is the process and the outcome of shaping an organisational structure, to align it with the business goals and the context in which the organisation trades. As experienced consultants we provide an external view and a non-biased appraisal of the business needs, as well as an understanding of people behaviours and people processes. Organisation design is sometimes considered together with, or as part of, organisation development. Organisation development is concerned with improving the overall organisational effectiveness with a strong emphasis on change in an organisation’s culture and behaviours, rather than structures, systems and processes. We are experts in both aspects and will pass on our skills to your internal resources.

Coaching and Mentoring Anchor


As an organisation changes and develops it is essential to provide people with the support they need to carry out their new roles. We work with top teams, coaching them in carrying out their new responsibilities developing skills and improving performance. We also carry out training needs analyses, and develop customised training programmes to meet specific needs of individuals and teams.


The Benefits

By providing targeted, effective coaching and training support, we help to unlock the potential of leaders and their teams and ensure that the new organisation is characterised by competent, committed and highly effective staff. As we know such staff are every organisation's true competitive advantage.



European Medical Products and Services

The Executive Leadership Team were working on the turnaround of their European business across France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Holland and the United Kingdom and had not communicated the vision for the future, the necessary changes nor the plan of how to achieve the changes to the business.


Having been commissioned to prepare the communications strategy and all of the communications pieces for the Executive it became clear that the real challenge was the lack of communications delivery skills across the whole of the team!


We prepared a presentation skills training workshop where we introduced delivery skills, and undertook a series of ‘role plays’ utilising the ‘real’ materials giving immediate feedback and coaching to the Executives.


This intervention is seen as one of the real contributors to the success of the overall turnaround as it was the first time the Executive had gone ‘on the road’ to get together with their staff.

Downsizing/Rightsizing Anchor



If an organisation needs to reduce its staff then it is important to be able to take a strategic view and identify areas of the business that can be reduced without damaging the future of the business – this often needs to be done quickly too.


Understanding and staying within the law are not enough in the 21st Century as the ‘survivors’ judge the organisation by how they treat those that are being asked to leave – treating leavers with respect and ensuring that they retain their dignity is the key to successful implementation and ongoing motivation.


The Benefits

Doing a good job in this area can ensure the following for you:


  • Maintaining a good reputation in the market

  • Retention of a motivated workforce

  • Customer confidence

  • Good industrial relations

  • The establishment of an economically viable organisation

Turnaround Anchor



In these difficult economic times organisations can often struggle to deliver the projected financial returns and need to examine their business strategy against the market, the customer requirements, their costs, revenue and profitability. Unfortunately the balance can get out of kilter with Leadership and Management teams lacking the skills and experience to turn the business around themselves.


In a turnaround situation there are some key things that you need to do one of which is to keep the bank informed at all times so that they can decide whether to give you the support you need and whether they believe that you and your team have all the skills necessary to successfully achieve the turnaround. They may require you to take on additional skills if they believe you are vulnerable in some areas. Here are the key activities that you will need to undertake:


  • Analyse the current situation

  • Identify and communicate to key staff

  • Develop a turnaround strategy

  • Identify skill requirements and set up a turnaround team

  • Continuously communicate to all staff and key stakeholders

  • Review financial practices

  • Work with customers and with suppliers

  • Action turnaround plan

  • Monitor progress

  • Review plans and adjust actions accordingly


For sustainable change you will need to imbed many of the new practices and processes you have utilised to turn the organisation around, and continuously review your requirements to avoid getting into the same situation again.


The Benefits

Turnaround gives a previously vulnerable organisation an appropriate and implementable business strategy based on a more secure financial foundation.


Often difficult decisions need to be made and implemented resulting in a successful organisation and greater security for its employees.

Human Resources Anchor


Working with you

Changes in strategy have implications for roles, behaviours and performance. We work with HR to understand issues around headcount, role change, skills and competencies, benefits and recruitment as well as performance management, reward and recognition.


Making these new requirements explicit within the HR processes helps to sustain and embed change within the organisation as a whole.


In this way HR can be used strategically to help shape the organisation and its performance, and to support the delivery of the business strategy.


The Benefits

With an appropriate performance management system in place, the organisation can measure performance effectively. By ensuring that the right skills and behaviours are recognised and rewarded the culture can become truly customer- centred.



Intranet Service Provider

As part of a post merger integration programme we needed to consolidate all of the terms and conditions of employment for 3 merging organisations, reduce staff and close 2 offices. Working with client staff we set up a series of initiatives to address the 3 strands of work drawing on best practice HR and integration processes through which we delivered a new employment framework and contracts of employment, ran a successful redundancy programme, retained key staff and relocated to a Central London HQ and satellite site in Cheshire.


At the beginning of the exercise the client staff were daunted by the task in hand and at the end they were incredulous as to how much they were able to achieve. We facilitated this through bringing a combination of specialist HR and change skills to the table and coupled this with an overall coaching approach.

Talent Management Anchor


Attracting, developing and retaining talent is one of the key challenges facing businesses today and often business leaders are not equipped to deal with the pressures. Innovative and strategic recruitment processes, transparent reward mechanisms and recognition processes, clear career paths and development support all combine to maintain the best people who can deliver the required business results.

Key questions that businesses need to ask themselves are:


  • What competencies do we need to attract and retain in our business to deliver our strategy?

  • What is the competence base in our organisation today?

  • How are we defining talent?

  • How does our culture influence the development of talent?

  • What is happening in the external market?

  • What are the key challenges we face in attracting and retaining the appropriate talent?

  • How can we overcome the challenges?

  • What is the interconnection between attracting and retaining talent and other HR policies such as pay, recognition, performance management and career paths?

  • How can we integrate talent management with succession planning?

  • What assessment tools do we have?

  • Do we have skilled people in our organisation to lead us in the attraction and retention of talent?

  • How can we measure the success of our talent management?

  • Can we fully utilise the talent we have and want to attract?


Some argue that talent management is just the latest piece of HR jargon but indeed the concept has been around for a long time and called different things and what we should be looking at are the business benefits and not a title!


The Benefits

It can cost between 20% and 45% of starting salary (depending on level) to recruit a new, appropriate quality member of staff and attracting the right calibre of staff, development and the retention of existing staff is key.


True benefits are cost, quality and continuity within the business. Developing your own staff to succeed leaders and other key business roles equates to opportunities to improve business performance and the bottom line.

Change Communications Anchor



In industry today it is generally understood that you can't over-communicate change. Certainly change communications are on a completely different scale from what is normally required to support the steady state.


We work with organisations to develop a comprehensive change communications strategy and plan, that ensures that all stakeholders are kept informed and involved from Day one.


We also offer implementation support to make sure the organisation's internal resources aren't overstretched by the demands and deadlines of the change programme.


An essential part of our approach is establishing two-way communications, listening to feedback and measuring effectiveness. That way we can find out what people are really thinking.


The Benefits

An effective communications strategy ensures a high level of awareness and understanding throughout the organisation. Key sponsors are kept involved and people find it easy to trust the change process.


Good two-way communications also improve morale, motivation and commitment throughout the organisation.



Change Strategy and Management

According to Harry Robinson, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, 70% of transformations fail because: The vision or aspiration is not compelling enough, organisations don’t have the skills and capabilities and the right change management strategy infrastructure is not in place and we believe that developing a compelling change strategy helps to support successful transformation and change.


The Benefits
By developing a Change Strategy your change and transformation is more likely to be a success and sustainable because you will be advocating a clear vison, taking the opportunity to enhance skills and capability, engaging with your employees, customers and suppliers and managing change consistently across your organisation. You will have a clear transformation approach with clear plans and measures.


Global Provider of Electronics to the Defence Industry  

The organisation was undertaking a major back office transformation programme to become more efficient and to prepare itself for a potential sale to a Private Equity organisation.


We developed an organisation wide Change Management Strategy and partnered with the organisation to embed change management, continuous improvement approaches and new ways of working which established change management as a foundation to all organisational transformation programmes and activities.


We worked together to design an end-to-end change process and tool kit including: engagement, change, managing change impacts, organisational readiness culture change, training, communications, and HR.


Part of the Change Strategy for this organisation included the design of, set up and training of a Change Champion Network which set employees up as change advocates and enabled us to transfer skills directly to the organisation.


We provided coaching, training and support to change champions, work-stream leaders, initiative owners and change leaders and when other business programmes saw the success of the back office programme they wanted to adopt the same approach and principles of change 


The visibility of the change culture was one of the aspects of the organisation that ultimately led to the successful sale. 

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